Bertrand Russell Peace FoundationRussell1

Welcome to the website of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.  Launched in 1963, the Foundation was established to carry forward Russell's work for peace, human rights and social justice. More than fifty years later, our work continues.

Here, you will also find information about our journal, The Spokesman, and links to our publications website Spokesman Books and our Online Bookshop

The Spokesman Journal - 104 to 100

Revolutions - Altering World Money

 The Spokesman 104

RevolutionsEdited by Ken Coates

Paul Rogers
- Drone Wars in Pakistan
Ken Coates - Blowback or Frame-up in Lancashire?
Peter Linebaugh
- Tom Paine: Two, Three, Many Revolutions ...


Altering the World Money
Michael Barratt Brown- On Redistribution
Stuart Holland - On Bretton Woods
Ken Coates - Unfinished Business
Zhou Xiaochuan - How to Do It
John Dugard - Apartheid in Palestine

Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Nurit Peled Elhanan - Until When?
Ken Coates - Russell Tribunals
Richard Falk - Situation in Palestine
George Galloway MP - Viva Palestina
Tony Simpson - Licence to Torture
Bryan Gould - I Disown this Government


Price: £6.00 - BUY NOW


Unholy Land

 The Spokesman 103

Unholy LandEdited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial -The Second Coming of King Herod
Alexis Lykiard - Ref: An Offical Memo
Noam Chomsky
- 'Exterminate all the Brutes'
Avi Shlaim
- Israel's War against Hamas
Richard Falk
- Gaza and the Law
Mustafa Barghouti - Steadfast before Goliath
Mousa Abu Marzook - A letter from Hamas
Gerald Kaufmann MP - 'Not simply war criminals'
Trevor Griffiths - The Gulf Between Ush
Shami Chakrabarti; Geoff Hoon MP - Covering up Torture
Adrian Mitchell - At the Crossroads


Price: £6.00 - BUY NOW

Slump and War

The Spokesman 102

Slump and WarEdited by Ken Coates

Noam Chomsky - Meltdown Election
Roy and Zhores Medvedev -
South Ossetia

John Berger - From A to X
Richard Minns - Weapons for Pensions
Oskar Lafontaine - The Crisis
Michael Barratt Brown - Edward Carpenter, Unsung Hero


Price: £6.00 - BUY NOW

Tskhinvali: Shock and Awe

The Spokesman 101

Tskhinvali: Shock and AweEdited by Ken Coates

Vladimir Putin - America's Role in Georgia
Mahmoud Darwish & Saifedean Ammous - In Praise of the High Shadow
Stephen Cohen - New American Cold War
Andrew Mackinlay MP - Intelligence Disgrace
Gareth Pierce interviewed by Moazzam Begg - Punishing the Innocent
Mahmoud Darwish - Mohammad
Jean Ziegler - Nothing for the Hungry
James Petras - Roots of Hunger
Mike Cooley - From Judgment to Calculation
Trevor Griffiths interviewed by Ann Talbot - Revisiting Tom Paine


Price: £6.00 - BUY NOW

Democracy: Growing or Dying? -

The Spokesman 100

Democracy Growing or Dying?Edited by Ken Coates

John Hughes & Charles Atkinson - Russell as Industrial Democrat
Bertrand Russell - The Infancy of Socialism
Karl W. Kapp - Market against Environment
Mike Cooley - Meeting Social Needs
Ken Coates - European Nuclear Disarmament
Yuri Zhukhov & Ken Coates - The Zhukhov File
Bertrand Russell - Palestine Tragedy
Oskar Lafontaine - Left Parties Everywhere
Kevin Rudd - After Hiroshima
William E. Odom - The Surge: A Balance Sheet

Peace Dossier
Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Obama on Cuba
Castro on Obama
War Crimes in Derry

Price: £6.00 - BUY NOW